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Writer's pictureHelen ModernPepper

Korean White Rice [How To Make Perfect Rice Every Time] COMPLETE TUTORIAL 🇰🇷촉촉한 맛있는 밥짓는방법, 누룽지 만들기

Updated: Jan 14, 2024

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Everyone loves a warm bowl of freshly made Korean rice. In Korean cuisine, a warm bowl of rice is the foundation of all meals (ok, not when you are having noodles as the main entree).

I'm going to show you how to make SOFT & FLUFFY Korean rice. And you can actually follow the same recipe to make other white grain rices.

🌱Vegan friendly recipe

Today's Korean Rice Recipe Includes:

  • Making Korean white rice for both stove-top and electric rice cooker

  • How to make NuRungGee 누룽지 (scorched rice crust on the bottom of the pot)

  • 🍚3 Simple ways to enjoy Korean rice

  • ❄️How to freeze cooked rice

  • How to make Korean 🥔Potato Rice (KangWon province style)

고솔고솔하고 촉촉한 맛있는 밥 짓는방법 + 고소한 누룽지 만들기

  • 냄비 밥 만들기 + 전기압력밥솥/전기밥솥 밥짓기

  • ⭐️보너스 레시피: 🍚맛있고 간단한 밥식사

  • ❄️밥을 얼리는 방법 🥔강원도 스타일 감자밥

백미 BaekMee = White Rice Grains

흰쌀 HimSsal = White Rice Grains

흰밥 HimBhap = Cooked white rice

Chapter Time Codes/레시피 챕터 시간 코드

00:00​​​​​​​​​​​​ Introduction 오프닝/인삿말

01:15 Brief Info On Korean Rice Grains/한국 쌀에 대해/한국 쌀 300품종

02:54 Korean Rice Shopping TIPS/백미 쇼핑 꿀팁

03:47 ​ Rice Storage TIPS/쌀 보관법

04:45 Recipe Starts/레시피 요리 시작

04:55 Rice Washing TIPS/쌀 씻기

06:09 Soaking Rice In Water/30분 동안 불린다

06:59 Water Measuring TIPS/밥물 조절 꿀팁

08:39 Which pots to use?/어떤 냄비가 좋을까요?

10:21 & 11:37 Heat Controls & Cooking Times/불 조절 꿀팁

10:59 Optional upgrade options/업그레이드 옵션 2개

14:38 How to make scorched rice/누룽지 만들기

16:33 How to freeze your cooked rice/밥을 얼리는 방법

17:47 3 Simple ways to enjoy Korean rice & Korean Potato Rice/맛있고 간단한 밥식사 라면 먹방 & 강원도 스타일 감자밥

🍚Below You'll Find:




I would love to hear from you, so please do leave me comments, questions or simply say Hi...:-)

If you haven't done so yet, please SUBSCRIBE to Modern Pepper YouTube channel. And click on that Notification Bell so you will be notified when I upload my next recipe. I WOULD LOVE TO COOK WITH YOU AGAIN...:-)


Please take a photo of your Korean rice when you make it, posted it on your social media, and TAG @ModernPepper. I would love to see your Korean rice creation!

See you soon in my next video recipe...:-)

Thanks for watching!


1 teaspoon 작은 술 = 5 ml

1 tablespoon 큰술 = 1/2 fluid ounce, 15 ml, 15 cc

1 Cup 컵 = 128 grams

1 lb = 450 grams


(Serving Size: 3 - 4 Adults)

3 Cups 컵 Korean white rice (medium grain & extra fancy grade)

1/2" Cold water from leveled rice, after rinsing

Extra cold water for soaking the rice grains and rinising

Optional Upgrade Options:

  1. Adding 1 tablespoon of Sweet White Rice (찹쌀 ChapSsal) to 1 cup of Korean white rice

  2. Dashima 다시마 (dried sea kelp) 1/4 Size of your hand to 3 cups of Korean white rice

(These are affiliate links, which means, I get a small commission when you make a purchase using these links, AT NO EXTRA COST TO YOU. Thank you for your support!)

🛒🛍Shop more Korean ingredients & kitchen gadgets at

Visit McCabe Rice Grains & More Store:

McCabe Organic White Rice: 3 Pound

McCabe Organic White Rice: 12 Pound

Rhee Chun Fancy New Variety Rice NON GMO Gluten Free Korean Rice 이천쌀:

5 Pound

15 Pounds

Haitai Korean Premium Quality Rice: Daipoong White Rice:

5 Pounds

Green Rice 20 Pounds

Optional Upgrades Options:

1 Cup Korean White Rice 백미 + 1 Tablespoon Korean Sweet White Rice Grains 찹쌀

McCabe Organic Sweet Rice, 3 lb

1/4 Size of your hand for every 3 cups of Korean white rice Dashima - Dried Sea Kelp 다시마

Traditional Korean Pots/어떤 냄비가 좋을까요?

가마솥 Gamasot Premium Korean Dutch Oven, Rice Pot, Enameled Cast Iron Pot with Lid, Korean Stone Bowl for Induction Cooktop, Stove, Oven, No Seasoning Required (6.3” (16cm))

가마솥 Gamasot Double-Sided Marble Coatings Mini Korean Traditional Pot

뚝배기Korean Premium Ceramic (Large with Lid): With Trivet

No Trivet

돌솥 Korean Granite DOLSOT Stone Bowl with Lid & Wood Base

돌솥 Dolsot-Bibimbap Stone Bowls 32-Oz (Set of 2 + Wood base 1) NO lid, but use any flat pot you have

Sauce Pots 명품 냄비

3 Quarts

Copper Core 5-Ply Bonded Saucepan 2 Quarts

3 Quarts

Cuckoo Electric Rice Cooker 전기밥솥 밥짓기 (these are less in $ than the pressure cooker version listed below):

Electric Rice Pressure Cooker 전기압력밥솥 (I have the pressure cooker, IH - Induction Heating)

🍚3 Simple ways to enjoy Korean rice/맛있고 간단한 밥식사

Sempio Soy Sauce

Visit Siempo's Soy Sauce Store

Korean Sesame Oil:

100% Korean Sesame Seed Oil

Organic Sesame Oil and Perilla Oil Set

Premium Roasted Seaweed Snack Packages:

Microwavable Cooked Korean Rice (If you are in a pinch, this pre-cooked microwavable rice is the way to go.

Wooden Spoon Chopsticks Set

Wooden Chopsticks


Step #1 Rinsing The Rice Grains 쌀 씻기

In a large mixing bowl add 3 cups of rice. Rinse with cold water. Add about 2" of water from the leveled rice. Gently stir with your hands 5 - 6 times. Then pour out most of the water. Repeat this rinsing method 3 more times.

TIP: Over rinsing your rice means washing away the nutrients, too.

Do not scrub the rice with your hands or crunch it. You want to be gentle and not bruise or break up the shape of the rice grains.

Upgrade Option: Add 1 Tablespoon of Korean sweet white rice (ChapSsal 찹쌀) to every 1 cup of Korean white rice. Doing so will make the rice extra yummy.

Step #2 Soaking The Rice Grains 30분 동안 불린다

After the 4th rinse, level out the rice, and add about 1" of cold water from the leveled rice.

Let the rice soak in the cold water for about 30 minutes on your kitchen counter, away from the heat and sun. After 30 minutes of soaking, you'll notice that the rice grains appear white in color. This is because the rice grains absorb the water, which is key in making soft and fluffy rice.

TIP: If you over soak your rice to more than 30 minutes, your rice will come out soggy and pudgy.

Step #3 The Hand Method: Water Measuring 밥물 조절 꿀팁

Using the same soaking water, measure about 1/2" of water from the leveled rice. (Use a ruler. Please do not eye-ball it.)

Then gently lay your hand (palm facing down) on the leveled rice. See where the 1/2" mark lands on the back of your hand. NOW, remember this water line mark on your hand. The next time you rice, just fill the water right up to where this water mark is on your hand.

YES, we, Koreans, use this hand method (remembering the water mark on the hand of the person making the rice).

TIP: This 1/2" of water from the leveled rice works for 3 cups, 6 cups or 10 cups of rice.

(See steps below for time cooking times for 3, 6 and 10 cups of rice cooking.)

IF YOU ARE IN A PINCH OR HIGH ALTITUDE: Presoaking the rice grains for 30 minutes is highly recommended, but if you are in a pinch, add 3/4" of water from the evenly leveled rice. If you live in a high altitude, you might need to add close to 1" of water and add 2 to 3 minutes more to the cooking and resting time, as listed below.

Step #4 Heat Controls & Cooking Times 불 조절 꿀팁

After you complete the water measuring step above, pour the water and pre-soaked rice into a heavy bottom pot. Preferably, using the Korean pots (GaMaSot 가마솥, TtukBaeGi 뚝배기, and DolSot 돌솥) listed above are great for retaining super high temperature, and it is also great in slowly releasing its internal temperature during the cooked "resting period."

Level out the rice evenly in the pot.

Upgrade Options:

Add the Dashimi on top of the rice in the pot.

Dashima Dried Sea Kelp 다시마 - 1/4 Size of your hand for every 3 cups of Korean white rice

🥔Korean Potato Rice/강원도 스타일 감자밥 Add two medium size chunks of potato to the rice pot. Wedge in the potato pieces so it is submerged in water.

Set the stove heat to super high. Let the rice pot cook on high heat until the water is bubbling (NO LID ON). Now, this will happen quickly in minutes, so make sure to stand over your stove. As soon as you see the water bubbles forming in the pot, lower the stove heat to LOW. Put the lid on the pot and let it cook on low heat for 8 minutes. Once the lid goes on the pot, DO NOT OPEN THE LID! Doing so will ruin the cooking process, as the necessary high temperature and moisture will escape with the lid is lifted.


For 6 cups of rice, cook on low heat for 12 - 14 minutes + 12 minutes of resting period with NO HEAT.

For 10 cups of rice, cook on low heat for 16 - 18 minutes + 15 minutes of resting period with NO HEAT.

Step #5. Resting The Cooked Rice 뜸 들이기

After the cooking time above on low heat, turn off the stove heat completely. DO NOT OPEN THE LID. Even if you are so curious as to how the rice looks in the pot, DO NOT OPEN THE LID. Doing so will release the necessary internal temperature and water-moisture to create that soft and fluffy rice. SO leave the pot alone and let it rest for 8 minutes. This resting period is critical in making soft and fluffy rice.


For 6 cups of rice, cook on low heat for 12 - 14 minutes + 12 minutes of resting period with NO HEAT.

For 10 cups of rice, cook on low heat for 16 - 18 minutes + 15 minutes of resting period with NO HEAT.

Step #6 Fluffing The Cooked Rice 밥을 잘 섞어주세요

This is very last step of making delicious rice. You have to fluff the rice once the resting period is complete. Using a rice scooper-paddle (주걱 JuGhuk) start fluffing the rice at an angle, not straight down, as shown in the video recipe. Once you are done fluffing the rice, it is ready to be enjoyed with your favorite Korean entrees and side dishes.

TIP: If you want to make Scorched Crunchy Rice/NuRungGee 누룽지, DO NOT fluff the rice on the bottom of the pot. Leaving the rice seal on the bottom of the pot is critical to making Scorched Crunchy Rice/NuRungGee 누룽지.

Rice scooper-paddle (주걱 JuGhuk)

Step #7 Scorched Crunchy Rice/NuRungGee 누룽지 만들기

As mentioned above, when fluffing the cooked rice, leave the rice on the bottom of the pot in tact. DO NOT fluff the rice on the bottom of the pot. Leaving the rice seal on the bottom of the pot is critical to making Scorched Crunchy Rice/NuRungGee 누룽지.

Put the lid back on set the stove heat to high and let it scorch for 4 minutes. If you want a more deeper and darker scorched rice, let it scorch on high heat for 5 minutes. YUP, it is simple as that! This is one of my favorite parts of making rice on stove top, so I can enjoy this crunchy and yet soft rice together in my mouth. The taste is just Crunchy Starch Heaven In MY MOUTH!!!

Bon appetit😋

And of course, a MUST side dish when having Korean rice is kimchi.

Here are some tips on rice storage 쌀 보관법

TIP #1

Only buy the amount of rice that your household will finish in 1 to 2 months max. Buying rice more frequently is better than buying huge bulk and storing in the house for months and months. YES, you should try to buy as often as possible.

(When available, buy Korean rice that has the "NEW CROP" label. If unavailable, buy rice that is priced at least at mid-range to the most expensive. When it comes to rice, it is worth paying extra $ for its quality. Also, check the stamped date on the rice package, and buy the most recent date.)

TIP #2

Store your rice in cool and dry part of your kitchen/house. Think of it as storing nice bottles of wine. You want to keep it away from any heat source, in rooms where the sun heats up, and away from direct sunlight.

DO NOT store your rice under the kitchen sink, where it heats up from the hot water pipe, not to mention any water leakage it may happen.

TIP #3

The rice grains like to breath (this is a harvested plant that is dried). Store in a container and leave some room for air to flow. I store my rice in Korean clay pot (aka Onggi 옹기).

TIP #4

During the hot summer months or if you live in hot climate, transfer the rice grains to an airtight container first and store in the refrigerator. When rice grains are left in warm temperature for an extended period of time, especially sealed up tightly, it will develop worms.

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