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Writer's pictureHelen ModernPepper

Korean🥒 SPIRAL Cucumber Salad Recipe: Non-Spicy & Spicy Cucumber Side Dish, NOT Cucumber Kimchi나선형오이

Updated: Feb 1

Fun and delicious SPIRAL-Cut Korean cucumber salad side dish recipe - whether you prefer it spicy or non-spicy, this easy and delicious dish is a must-try!

EASY & DELICIOUS way to enjoy Korean cucumbers at home with this FUN SPIRAL CUT! SIMPLE & DELICIOUS seasonings recipes to make Non-Spicy and Spicy cucumber side salad at home!

🥒Ingredients 재료

English Cucumber 330 Grams

3 Tablespoons 큰술 Sea Salt 천일염

2 Cups 컵 Cold Water 찬물

1 Cup 컵 Hot Water 뜨거운 물

⭐️Non-Spicy Seasoning 맵지 않은 양념장

1 Tablespoon 큰술 Apple or Brown Rice Vinegar 사과식초나 현미식초

½ Teaspoon 작은술 Brown Sugar 흑설탕

¼ Teaspoon 작은술 Garlic Clove Grated 갈은 마늘

1 Small Pinch 작은꼬집 Black Pepper 후추

1 Small Pinch 작은꼬집 Lemon Zest 레몬 향

🌶Spicy Seasoning 매운양념장

1 Tablespoon 큰술 GoChuGaRu 고춧가루

½ Tablespoon 큰술 Apple or Brown Rice Vinegar 사과식초나 현미식초

1 Teaspoon 작은술 Brown Sugar 흑설탕

1/2 Teaspoon 작은술 Garlic Clove Grated 갈은 마늘

1/2 Teaspoon 작은술 Fish Sauce 멸치액젓

CLICK on the blue timestamp for recipe demonstration

00:00​​​​​​ INTRO 오프닝/인삿말

01:08  Spiral Cucumber Cutting 나선형 오이

02:39  Salt Brining 소금물 절이기

04:02  Non-Spicy Seasoning 맵지 않은 양념장

05:03  Spicy Seasoning 매운양념장

06:21  Cucumber Salad Making 나선형 오이 만들기

09:24  Tasting/Eating/MukBang 먹방

🌶🥒This cucumber side dish is NOT Cucumber Kimchi. ⬇️Here is the actual Cucumber Kimchi Recipe.⬇️

🌾HEALTHY & DELICIOUS Korean Purple Rice/Multi-Grain Rice: SMALL BATCH 2 Cup Rice Recipe 🇰🇷꼬슬꼬슬한 잡곡밥


I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE COMMENT BELOW...:-) Please take a photo of your Korean Spiral Cucumber Side Dish when you make them, posted it on your social media, and TAG  @ModernPepper  

My new obsession is Cucumber Kimchi, MyHealthyDish, video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload, Easy Korean Spicy Cucumber Salad (Oi-muchim), Mama Cho Series, Chef Chris Cho, cucumber kimchi, spicy cucumber side dish, korean cucumber salad, spicy cucumber salad, korean cooking, korean food (cuisine), spicy korean cucumber, oi muchim, korean cucumber kimchi, korean side dish, spicy cucumber, chef chris cho, 오이무침 만들기, korean food recipes in english, side dish, Spicy cucumber side dish (Oi-muchim: 오이무침), oimuchim, cucumber kimchi, 오이무침, spicy cucumber salad, Korean cucumber salad, seasoned cucumber, side dish, banchan, Korean food, Korean cooking, Cucumber (Food), Salad (Type Of Dish), Spice (Food), Korean Food (Cuisine), spicy cucumber side dish, spicy Korean cucumber, oi-moochim, Korean Cucumber Side Dishes: 1 Spicy + 2 Non-Spicy (Oi muchim: Seasoned Cucumber) 오이무침 3가지 + 꿀팁, oimuchim, cucumber kimchi, 오이무침, spicy cucumber salad, Korean cucumber salad, seasoned cucumber, side dish, banchan, Korean food, Korean cooking, Cucumber (Food), Salad (Type Of Dish), Spice (Food), Korean Food (Cuisine), spicy cucumber side dish, spicy Korean cucumber, oi-moochim, 엄마의 손맛, 한식, 이보은, 잘차린한끼, 레시피, 푸드, 요리, 반찬, 집밥, 집반찬, 엄마, 손맛, 비결 쿡파아, cookpia, korean, cuisine, howtocook, foodstylist, foodclass, recipe, 오이, 오이무침 레시피, 오이무침 만들기, 오이반찬, 오이로 반찬, 오이무침 맛있게, 오이무침 비법, 오이무침 만드는법, 김대석 셰프TV, Maangchi

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