KongNaMul-Muchim is a national side dish for Koreans (국민반찬 콩나물무침). This soybean sprouts side dish is a humble dish, but every Korean loves it for its CRUNCHY and DELICIOUS TASTE! You can have it non-spicy for that nutty soybean sprouts taste. OR you can have it spicy. I love it both ways!
You can also have it as a SIMPLE BIBIMBAP. This seasoned soybean sprouts mixed with warm Korean rice is just SO DARN YUMMY! Watch to the end of this video on how to make this simple soybean sprouts bibimbap.
🇰🇷필수 밑반찬 콩나물무침! 고소하고 매콤새콤하게 두 가지 방법으로 즐겨보세요. 밥에 비벼 먹어도 정말 맛있는 매콤한 콩나물무침 만들기!
KongNaMul 콩나물 = Soybean Sprouts
MuChim 무침 = Hand-Mixed Dish
Below you'll find the following:
Ingredient List
Korean ingredient and suggested product links
Recipe Instruction
Suggested video recipes
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1 teaspoon 작은 술 = 5 ml
1 tablespoon 큰술 = 1/2 fluid ounce, 15 ml, 15 cc
1 Cup 컵 = 128 grams
1 lb = 450 grams
Serving Size: 2 Adults
Non-Spicy Soybean Sprouts Side Dish 고소한 콩나물무침
200 Grams Soybean Sprouts 콩나물
1 Tablespoon 큰술 소금 (blanching 끓는 물에)
1/2 Tablespoon 큰술 Minced Scallions 다진 파
1 Teaspoon 작은술 Sesame Oil 참기름
1/2 Teaspoon 작은술 Minced Garlic 다진 마늘
1/2 Teaspoon 작은술 Sesame Seed 참깨
2 Small Pinches 작은 꼬집 소금
1/4 Teaspoon 작은술 Beef Dashida 쇠고기 다시다 (optional)
🌱Vegan (optional): 1/4 Teaspoon 작은술 연두 (concentrated broth enhancer/product link below)
Spicy Soybean Sprouts Side Dish 매콤한 콩나물무침
200 Grams Soybean Sprouts 콩나물
1 Tablespoon 큰술 소금 (blanching 끓는 물에)
1.5 Tablespoon 큰술 Spicy Sauce 매운 양념간장 (see below)
1/2 Tablespoon 큰술 Minced Scallions 다진 파
1/2 Teaspoon 작은술 Minced Garlic 다진 마늘
1 Teaspoon 작은술 Sesame Oil 참기름
1/2 Teaspoon 작은술 Sesame Seed 참깨
1/4 Teaspoon 작은술 Beef Dashida 쇠고기 다시다 (optional)
🌱Vegan (optional): 1/4 Teaspoon 작은술 연두 (concentrated broth enhancer/product link below)
Optional: 3 Thin slices each 얇게 썬: Red, Green and Yellow Bell Pepper 빨강, 초록, 노랑 파프리카
Spicy Sauce 매운 양념간장
1 Tablespoon 큰술 Soy Sauce 간장
1 Tablespoon 큰술
½ Tablespoon 큰술 GoChuGaRu 고춧가루
1/2 Teaspoon 작은술 Brown Sugar 흑설탕
¼ Teaspoon 작은술 Minced Garlic 다진 마늘
¼ Teaspoon 작은술 GoChuJang 고추장
1 Small Pinch 작은 꼬집 Beef Dashida 쇠고기 다시다 (optional)
🛒🛍Shop more Korean ingredients & kitchen gadgets at https://www.modernpepper.com/store
GoChuGaRu (Korean red pepper flakes) 고춧가루
https://amzn.to/3CetsdG (7 oz)
https://amzn.to/3T0Uw6Y (1 lb)
https://amzn.to/3rw66eP (1lb)
https://amzn.to/3SIO4lq (100% Made In Korea)
GoChuJang (Korean red pepper paste) 고추장
https://amzn.to/3SBceya (200 grams)
https://amzn.to/3CB4qH5 (100% Korean Ingredients)
https://amzn.to/3ecsczR (🌱Vegan GoChuJang)
https://amzn.to/3Mb078G (Gluten free GoChuJang)
Korean Soy Sauce 간장
Brown Sugar 흑설탕
Beef Dashida (Bouilion Powder) 쇠고기 다시다
🌱YeonDu 연두 Vegan (concentrated broth enhancer, use instead of Beef Dashida) https://amzn.to/3S9SXnn
Sesame Oil 참기름
Sesame Seeds 참깨
https://amzn.to/3r3ngjO (100% Made In Korea)
Black Peppercorns 통후추
Pepper Grinder 통후추 그라인더
Glass Mixing Bowls
https://amzn.to/3Rl0Kxm (10 piece set)
https://amzn.to/3LYgzJf (3 piece set)
Disposable Gloves (food safe)
Stainless Steel Stock Pot 명품 냄비:
https://amzn.to/3rz1ODp (6 quart, used in the video)
https://amzn.to/3REx5PU (3 quart)
Knife Sets 명품 칼:
9 Piece Knife Set 세트
16 piece Knife Set 세트
Chef's Knife
Step One: Rinsing
In a large mixing bowl, fill with cold water, and submerge the fresh soybean sprouts. Gently move the soybean sprouts around the bowl, pour into a strainer. Repeat this process 3 times.
Step Two: Blanching
Using a large or medium size pot, fill with water halfway (enough to fully submerge the soybeans), and bring to boil. Then add 1 tablespoon of salt to the boiling water. (Your stove heat remains at high.) Add the soybean sprouts and cook for 3 minutes, without the lid on.
TIP: When you cook beans and fresh soybean sprouts, it gives off this funky-odor. In Korean, we call that "BeeLinNeh" 비린내 ("fishy smell"). To prevent this funky-odor, we add salt to the boiling water and blanch the soybean sprouts without the lid on. Then quickly bring the pot over to the sink and drain in a strainer. Quickly, rinse the blanched soybean sprouts under running water. Once the blanched soybean sprouts feel lukewarm to touch, it is ready.
TIP: Do not squeeze the blanched soybean sprouts. Just gently shake off the excess by tossing in a strainer. Not squeezing the blanched soybean sprouts ensures that these sprouts remain crunchy and juicy!
Step Three:
Non-Spicy Soybean Sprouts Side Dish 고소한 콩나물무침
In a mixing bowl, add the blanched/cooled down soybean sprouts and following items.
1 Tablespoon 큰술 소금 (blanching 끓는 물에)
1/2 Tablespoon 큰술 Minced Scallions 다진 파
1 Teaspoon 작은술 Sesame Oil 참기름
1/2 Teaspoon 작은술 Minced Garlic 다진 마늘
1/2 Teaspoon 작은술 Sesame Seed 참깨
2 Small Pinches 작은 꼬집 소금
1/4 Teaspoon 작은술 Beef Dashida 쇠고기 다시다 (optional)
🌱Vegan (optional): 1/4 Teaspoon 작은술 연두 (concentrated broth enhancer/product link below)
Gently toss with your hands to ensure that all the ingredients are mixed in well with our blanched soybean sprouts. Have a taste test. Add more salt if you prefer a saltier taste. The saltiness should be just enough so that with Korean rice, it will be a perfectly balanced taste.
Spicy Soybean Sprouts Side Dish 매콤한 콩나물무침
To make the Spicy Sauce 매운 양념간장, add the following items in a small bowl and mix well. This spicy sauce can be made ahead of time and stored in the fridge for several weeks. We will also use this spicy sauce to make our simple soybean sprouts bibimbap. I use this spicy sauce on so many Korean dishes!
1 Tablespoon 큰술 Soy Sauce 간장
1 Tablespoon 큰술
½ Tablespoon 큰술 GoChuGaRu 고춧가루
1/2 Teaspoon 작은술 Brown Sugar 흑설탕
¼ Teaspoon 작은술 Minced Garlic 다진 마늘
¼ Teaspoon 작은술 GoChuJang 고추장
1 Small Pinch 작은 꼬집 Beef Dashida 쇠고기 다시다 (optional)
In a mixing bowl, add the blanched/cooled down soybean sprouts and following items.
1 Tablespoon 큰술 소금 (blanching 끓는 물에)
1.5 Tablespoon 큰술 Spicy Sauce 매운 양념간장 (see below)
1/2 Tablespoon 큰술 Minced Scallions 다진 파
1/2 Teaspoon 작은술 Minced Garlic 다진 마늘
1 Teaspoon 작은술 Sesame Oil 참기름
1/2 Teaspoon 작은술 Sesame Seed 참깨
1/4 Teaspoon 작은술 Beef Dashida 쇠고기 다시다 (optional)
🌱Vegan (optional): 1/4 Teaspoon 작은술 연두 (concentrated broth enhancer/product link below)
Optional: 3 Thin slices each 얇게 썬: Red, Green and Yellow Bell Pepper 빨강, 초록, 노랑 파프리카
Gently toss with your hands to ensure that all the ingredients are mixed in well with our blanched soybean sprouts. Have a taste test. If you prefer a spicer and saltier taste, add more of the spicy sauce. The spiciness/saltiness should be just enough so that with Korean rice, it will be a perfectly balanced taste.
For both of the non-spicy and spicy seasoned soybean sprouts, it is best enjoyed within in a few days of making it. It can be enjoyed right away. If you let it sit in the fridge for a few hours or overnight, you'll end up with the seasoned soybean sprouts juice, which is LITERALLY A MAGIC JUICE😋
Simple Soybean Sprout Bibimbap:
Add a large amount of the seasoned soybean sprouts (I prefer to use the spicy version for this) to a bowl of warm Korean rice. Add 1/2 to 1 tablespoon of the spicy sauce, some toasted seaweed crumbles, some of the seasoned soybean sprouts juice, and a drizzle of sesame oil. Mix it well and enjoy! This simple bibimbap is enjoyed by so many Koreans as our quick and easy bibimbap at home.
Bon appétit😋
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soybean sprouts, kongnamul muchim, Korean side dish, banchan, Maangchi, 국민반찬, 콩나물무침, 탱탱하고 아삭함의 비결입니다, [윤이련]50년 요리비결, 백종원의 요리비책 Paik's Cuisine, SSULMAN TV, 김대석 셰프TV, 쿡피아 Cookpia, future neighbor, Cokie Channel, Aaron & Claire, Korean vegetables, 필수 밑반찬, seonkyoung longest, [엄마의손맛], 대박집 콩나물 아삭하게 삶는 비법, 마지막까지 아삭거리는 콩나물 삶는 법, How to Boil Bean Sprouts, 아삭한 식감이 정말 맛있어요, 빨간콩나물무침.. 요것도 살짝 넣어주면 맛이 up 됨, 밥에 비벼 먹어도 정말 맛있는 매콤한 콩나물무침 만들기, 콩나물무침. 백반집에서 3번 리필 할 만한 맛, 한번 맛보면 두번 세번 산다는 대박집 콩나물무침, 원조 콩나물무침! 아주 쉬운 콩나물무침입니다, 콩나물무침에 '이것'만 들어가면 감칠맛 10배 됩니다, 탱탱하고 아삭함의 비결입니다. 콩나물무침 맛있게 만드는 법. 콩나물볶음, 콩나물무침에 이걸 한스푼 넣어보세요 감칠맛 10배 됩니다, 탱탱하고 아삭함의 비결입니다, 콩나물 비빔밥, 콩나물 요리, 콩나물 만들기, 콩나물 레시피