Discover the ultimate Korean seafood ramen hack that will elevate your instant ramyun into a gourmet delight. Try this spicy seafood ramen recipe for a mind-blowing experience!
Turn your Korean instant ramen into DELICIOUS GOURMET SEAFOOD Ramen! 🇰🇷얼큰하고 시원한 해물라면 만들어 보세요! 칼칼하고 시원한 해물맛이 정말 맛있어요!
⭐️Ingredients 재료
1 Shin Ramen BLACK 신라면 블랙
3 Cups Hot Water 뜨거운 물
4 Clams-in-shell 조개
2 Shrimp with head 머리가 달린 새우
1 Small Blue Crab 작은 꽃게
3 to 4 Squid Tentacles 오징어 촉수
1 Scallion Sliced 쪽파 또는 대파
1/4 Medium Onion 중간크기 양파
1 Tablespoon 큰술 Minced Garlic 다진 마늘
1/4 Teaspoon 작은술 Grated Ginger 강판 생강
1 Tablespoon 큰술 Oil 식용유
½ Tablespoon 큰술 DoenJang 된장
1 Teaspoon 작은술 GoChuGaru 고춧가루
1 Pinch 꼬집 Salt 소금
1 Pinch 꼬집 Garlic Powder 마늘 가루
CLICK on the blue timestamp for recipe demonstration
0:00 Introduction 인삿말
01:08 Ingredient Prep 재료 준비
04:14 Spicy Seafood Ramen Cooking TIPS 해물라면 맛있게 끓이는 비법
08:19 Tasting/Mukbang 맛보기/먹방
🦐Shrimp Pancake 새우전
I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! Please take a photo of your Spicy Seafood Ramen when you make them, posted it on your social media, and TAG @ModernPepper
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