Korean Seasonings 101; Essential Korean seasoning ingredients, varieties, and which ones to buy, next time you go Korean grocery shopping. Learn how each ingredient is used, how to store it, and the typical Korean recipes that are used for each seasoning ingredients.
🌱Vegan Friendly Korean seasoning ingredients included🌱
🇰🇷한식 양념재료를 배우고 싶은 외국인 친구들을 위해 이 영상을 만들었습니다.🇰🇷
In general, there are more Korean seasoning ingredients than the ones listed below. Below is a list of commonly used seasoning ingredients in Korean cuisine. The tutorial video above covers lots of information for each of these seasoning ingredients, so I won't repeat/rewrite what is included in the tutorial. BUT I must repeat that Korean red pepper paste/Gochujang/고추장, soybean paste/DoenJang/된장, and soy sauce/간장 are not simple seasonings that can be easily whipped up at home. These three seasonings are the cornerstone of Korean cuisine. It is an art form to make these pastes and soy sauce. Not only does it require special ingredients, techniques, and TLC, but also TIME! These need to be fermented in earthenware clay pots/항아리 (onggi/옹기) for at least one year, while being tended to so it is exposed to the right temperature/weather conditions, and also carefully managing the crust/foam that forms on top.
Below, you'll find:
Korean seasoning ingredient product links (use as a reference next time you are at a Korean grocery store OR conveniently order online).
Korean recipes showcased in today's Korean Seasoning Ingredients video.
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Also, leave me requests for future recipes for both traditional Korean cuisines and everyday meals with a Korean twist.
Thank you for loving Korean food and cooking with me🙏
SKIP To Your Desired Korean Ingredients:
Time Codes For Today's Video/영상 시간코드
Part I @ 2:15
Gochujang/고추장, DoenJang/된장, SsamJang/쌈장 & Brief Overview Of How The Pastes Are Made.
@ 12:14
BokEum JjaJang/볶음짜장 (for Black Bean Noodles/JjaJangMyeon/짜장면) & Curry/카레
Part II @ 14:00
Soy Sauce/GanJang/간장
Jin, All-Purpose & GukGanJang
Part III @ 16:50
Red Pepper Flakes/GoChuGaRu/고춧가루
Coarse, Fine & ChungYang/Extra Spicy/청양 고춧가루
Part IV @ 18:40
Broth Seasonings/국물 조미료
Dried Anchovy/MyeolChi/다시멸치, Sea Kelp/Dashima/다시마 & Flavor Enhancers (Anchovy Dashida/멸치 다시다, Beef Dashida/쇠고기 다시다 & YeonDu/연두)
Part V @ 23:25
Cooking Wine/요리주
Mirin/미림, MeeHwang/미향 & MatSul/맛술
Part VI @ 24:10
Sesame Oil/참기름 & Sesame Seeds/참깨
Part VII @ 26:00
Brown Rice Vinegar/현미식초, Apple Vinegar/사과식초, Extra Aged Persimmon Vinegar/감식초, Extra Acidic Vinegar/KangCho/강초 & HongCho/홍초
Part VIII @ 27:00
Cooking Sugars & Syrup
Honey/꿀, Brown Sugar/흑설탕, OliGoDang/올리고당/Oligosaccharide, Starch Syrup/물엿 & Plum Extract Syrup/MaeSilChung매실청
Part IX @ 28:40
Coarse Brining Salt/GulEunSoGum/굵은소금 & Bamboo Roasted Salt/JukYeom/죽염
More Korean Ingredients & Kitchin Gadgets at https://www.modernpepper.com/store
Korean Red Pepper Paste/Gochujang/고추장
Soybean Paste/DoenJang/된장
Gochujang & DoenJang Combo:
SsamJang/쌈장 (Lettuce Wrap Condiment):
Fermented Black Bean Paste for Black Bean Noodles/JjaJangMyeon/짜장면:
Pre-Fried/BokEum JjaJang/볶음짜장
ChunJang/중화요리 춘장
Curry Powder/카레 (Korean):
Medium https://amzn.to/2UP229f
Curry Paste/카레 (Japanese):
Medium https://amzn.to/3kI1tbs
Extra Hot https://amzn.to/36IxSdb
Korean Red Pepper Flakes/GoChuGaRu/고춧가루:
Coarse Grind (Made In Korea):
Budget-Friendly Korean Red Pepper Flakes
Mild or Very Spicy:
Fine-Powder/GoEun-GoChuGaRu/고운 고춧가루
Extra Spicy ChungYang GoChuGaRu/청양 고춧가루
A full list of Kimchi Ingredients (including Fish Sauce/MyeolChiAhekJeot/멸치액젓 & Homemade Salt Fermented Shrimp/Say-Woo-Jeot/새우젓 Recipe):
Broth Seasonings/국물 조미료:
Dried Anchovy/MyeolChi/멸치
Seafood/Anchovy/SeaKelp DashiTea Bags
Sea Kelp/Dashima/다시마
Bouillion Powders & Flavor Enhancers:
Anchovy Dashida/멸치 다시다
Beef Dashida/쇠고기 다시
Clam Dashida/조개 다시다
NaengMyeon Broth Dashida/Cold Noodle Soup Base
YonDu/연두/Concentrated Flavor Enhancer Liquid
Cooking Wine/YoLeeJoo/요리주:
MeeHwang/미향 (Does not contain alcohol)
Available at your local Korean market:
CheongJu 청주 (This is a rice wine that is used for cooking as well as for general consumption.)
Sesame Oil/ChanGheeLim/참기름:
Sesame Oil & Perilla Seed Oil/들기름 Set
Perilla Seed Oil/DdulGheeLim/들기름 (This oil is a bit lighter in taste compared to sesame oil.)
Sesame Seeds/ChamKhey/참깨
Crushed Sesame Seeds w/ Salt/깨소금
Brown Rice Vinegar/현미식초
Apple Vinegar/사과식초
Persimmon Vinegar/감식초 (All-Purpose)
Extra Concentrated/Fermented Apple Vinegar
Extra Acidic Vinegar/KangCho/강초
Fruit Flavored Vinegar/HongCho/홍초
Cooking Sweeteners & Syrup
Organic Honey/유기농 꿀
Brown Sugar/HhukShulTtang/흑설탕
Starch Syrup/MulYeot/물엿
Plum Extract Syrup/MaeSilChung/매실청:
Organic Plum Extract Syrup/유기농 매실청
Salt/Coarse Brining Salt/GulEunSoGum/굵은소금
Bamboo Roasted Salt/JukYeom/죽염
Microwavable Cooked Korean Rice
Korean Recipes Included in today's video:
Kimchi: Easy SMALL Batch Napa Cabbage Kimchi - COMPLETE TUTORIAL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qV5XpqFgvQ0&t=1528s
Vegan Kimchi (includes vegan "Fish Sauce" & Fermented Salt "Shrimp")
Fried Chicken Wings/YangYeom Chicken/양념치킨 (includes TWO Sauces)
🌶SPICY Korean Seasoning Sauce Recipe For Spicy Stews & Soups | Gochujang & Gochugaru Sauce | 고추장양념장 & 다대기
Korean BBQ Lettuce Wraps Ssam 쌈 & Dipping Sauce SsamJang 쌈장 w/ Bacon (+Vegan Recipe) K-BBQ Sauce
Grilled Cheese Deluxe Sandwich: CREAMY🌶SPICY Gochujang Cheese 매운 치즈토스트
Omurice: Omelette Rice [오므라이스] How To Make Korean Omelette Rice [オムライス]
DoenJang Stew
Kimchi Stew (Kimchi-jjigae: 김치찌개) W/ PORK BELLY 김장 돼지고기 김치찌개 레시피 キムチチゲ
Bulgogi 🔥Sizzling🔥Restaurant-Style Korean BBQ Bulgogi Recipe 불고기
Korean Bulgogi 5 Ways: Beef, Chicken, Pork & Mushroom/Vegan Recipe + Lettuce Wraps [Korean BBQ] 불고기
King Galbi BBQ Grilled Beef Short Ribs (갈비구이) AUTHENTIC Korean BBQ MARINADE & How To Cut Galbi Short Ribs
Korean BBQ [LA Galbi] Beef Short Ribs Restaurant-Style Galbi Recipe, LA갈비 레시피, Kalbi
Galbi Jjim: AUTHENTIC 갈비찜 Recipe; 소갈비찜 레시피 +먹방 (Korean Braised Beef Short Ribs)
No-Marinade K-BBQ W/ SsamJang & Sesame Oil Dipping Sauce 생고기구이
SPICY Korean BBQ Pork Ribs in Big Green Egg (매운 돼지 갈비)
Black Bean Noodles Recipe: Jajangmyeon 자장면 Jjajangmyeon 짜장면 w/ 🥩Beef & 🍤Shrimp
CRISPY & JUICY Napa Cabbage Pancakes VEGAN Recipe & Mukbang 배추전
Kimchi Pancake (Kimchijeon: 김치전) w/ Makgeolli 막걸리 [김치전 레시피] キムチ
Healthy Vegetable Rice Bowl; Vegan Meal 건강식 영양밥: Soybean Sprouts Bibimbap (콩나물밥)
Soft Tofu Stew (sundubu-jjigae: 순두부찌개) w/ Seafood & Pork RESTAURANT-STYLE
Cucumber Side Salad/OiMuChim/오이무침
DoenJang Soup/된장국
Korean food, Korean cooking, Korean cuisine, Korean grocery shopping walkthrough, Korean grocery store shopping, Korean supermarket shopping, How to shop at a Korean grocery store. Korean supermarket tour, How to choose Korean cooking ingredients
Korean Food, Korean ingredients, Essential ingredients, Basic Ingredients, Ingredients, Korean Food Recipe, Recipes, Basic ingredients for Korean cooking, Ingredients for Korean cooking