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  • Writer's pictureHelen ModernPepper

I can eat theses Salads EVERYDAY! 4 MUST-TRY Korean Side Dish Recipe 오이무침 시금치나물무침 콩나물무침 숙주나물무침

Discover the ultimate Korean vegetable side dish banchan salad recipe. Learn to make Spicy Cucumber, Spinach, Soybean Sprouts, and Mung Bean Sprouts salads in minutes!

Make DELICIOUS & AUTHENTIC Korean vegetable side-dish salads that every Korean eats!

These four vegetable side dish salads are beloved and eaten by every Korean:

Spicy Cucumber, Spinach, Soybean Sprouts, and Mung Bean Sprouts

Banchan 반찬 = Side Dish

🇰🇷국민반찬 4종 레시피: 매콤새콤한 오이무침, 시금치나물무침, 콩나물무침, 아삭아삭한 숙주나물무침.


Spicy Cucumber Side Dish 매콤새콤한 오이무침 WATCH Full Recipe (includes Wilted Cucumber Salad and Crunchy Pickled Cucumber Salad)

12 oz Kirby Cucumbers

1 Tablespoon 큰술 GoChuJang 고추장

1 Tablespoon 큰술 Korean Brown Rice Vinegar 현미식초

1/2 Tablespoon 큰술 Brown Sugar 흑설탕

1/2 Tablespoon 큰술 Korean Plum Extract Syrup 매실청 (Substitution: Honey)

1/2 Teaspoon 작은술 Coarse GoChuGaRu 고춧가루

1/2 Tablespoon 큰술 Sesame Oil 참기름

1/2 Tablespoon 큰술 Roasted Sesame Seed Salt 깨소금

1 Teaspoon 작은술 Fish Sauce 멸치액젓 (🌱Vegan, Yondu )

1/2 Teaspoon 작은술 Grated fresh garlic 강판 마늘

1 Scallion 다진 쪽파

1/4 Medium Red Onion 빨간양파


Spinach Side Dish 시금치나물무침

WATCH Full Recipe (includes more essential cooking tips)

300 Grams Long Stem Spinach 시금치

½ Tablespoon 큰술 소금 (for blanching)

1 Garlic (finely grated) 강판 마늘

1 Teaspoon 작은술 Soy Sauce 간장

1 Tablespoon 큰술 Minced Scallions 다진 쪽파

1 Small Pinch 작은 꼬집 Black Pepper 후추

1 Teaspoon 작은술 Sesame Seed 참깨

1 Small Pinch 작은 꼬집 Beef Dashida 쇠고기 다시다; 🌱Vegan, Yondu

1 Teaspoon 작은술 Sesame Oil 참기름

1 Pinch 큰꼬집 Salt 소금


Soybean Sprouts Side Dish 콩나물무침 WATCH Full Recipe (includes 🌶Spicy soybean sprouts recipe)

200 Grams Soybean Sprouts 콩나물

½ Tablespoon 큰술 소금 (blanching)

1 Pinch 큰꼬집 Salt 소금

1 Teaspoon 작은술 Minced Garlic 다진 마늘

1/2 Tablespoon 큰술 Minced Scallions 다진 쪽파

1 Small Pinch 작은 꼬집 Black Pepper 후추

1/2 Teaspoon 작은술 Sesame Seeds 참깨

1 Teaspoon 작은술 Sesame Oil 참기름

1/2 Teaspoon 작은술 Beef Dashida 쇠고기 다시다; 🌱Vegan, Yondu


Mung Bean Sprouts Side Dish 아삭아삭한 숙주나물무침

WATCH Full Recipe (include more essential cooking tips)

255 Grams Mung Bean Sprouts 숙주나물 (9 oz)

1/2 Tablespoon 큰술 소금 (for blanching)

1 Garlic Clove 마늘

1 Tablespoon 큰술 Minced Scallions 다진 쪽파

1 Pinch 큰꼬집 Salt 소금

1/2 Teaspoon 작은술 Sesame Oil 참기름

1 Small Pinch 작은 꼬집 Black Pepper 후추

1/2 Teaspoon 작은술 Sesame Seeds 참깨

1 Small Pinch 작은 꼬집 Beef Dashida 쇠고기 다시다; 🌱Vegan, Yondu

CLICK on the blue timestamp below for quick recipe demonstration

00:00 INTRO 인사말

01:07 Spicy Cucumber Side Dish 매콤새콤한 오이무침

03:01 Spinach Side Dish 시금치나물무침

04:42 Soybean Sprouts Side Dish 콩나물무침

06:13 Mung Bean Sprouts Side Dish 아삭아삭한 숙주나물무침

08:19 More Korean vegetable side dish salads to try!

⭐️I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! Please take a photo of your Korean Side Dish when you make it, posted it on your social media, and TAG  @ModernPepper  


Bon appétit😋



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