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TASTY Comfort Soup: CREAMY, NUTTY Squash Soup With SOFT Rice Cake Balls [Kabocha Soup Recipe] 찹쌀단호박죽

Writer's picture: Helen ModernPepperHelen ModernPepper

Indulge in the creamiest Korean Squash Soup with soft chewy rice cake balls - a divine Kabocha squash recipe that melts in your mouth. Perfect comfort food!

This squash soup has a light sweet and nutty taste with THICK CREAMY texture. And with these mini rice cake balls together, this Kabocha squash soup is simply DIVINE! 🇰🇷입에서 녹는 맛있는 찹쌀 단호박죽. 몸을 부드럽게 녹여주는 단호박 수프

Kabocha Squash Rice Cake Soup = 찹쌀 단호박죽

Sweet glutinous white rice = ChapSsal 찹쌀

Kabocha Squash Soup = DanHoBak Juk 단호박죽

⭐️Ingredients 재료

Yield: 2 Serving Size 2인분

2 LBS (930 Grams) Kabocha Squash 단호박

2.5 Cups 컵 (600 ml) Chicken Stock or Vegetable Stock 닭육수 또는 야채 육수

1 Tablespoon 큰술 Salt 소금 (for steaming water)

1 Tablespoon 큰술 Butter 버터 (🌱Vegan, soy butter)

1 Tablespoon 큰술 Creme Fraiche 크림 프레슈 (🌱Vegan, tofu cream cheese)

⭐️Mini Rice Cake Balls 방울 찹쌀떡 만들기

½ Cup 컵 (60 Grams) Sweet Glutinous White Rice Flour 찹쌀가루

¼ Cup 컵 (60 ml) Warm Water 미지근한 물

¼ Teaspoon 작은술 Salt 소금

⭐️Garnish 고명

Extra Virgin Olive Oil 엑스트라 버진 올리브 오일

Walnut 호두

Tumeric 심황

Fine Gochugaru 고운 고춧가루

🛍🛒SHOP today's Kabocha Squash Soup ingredients and more here⬇️

Immersion Blenders

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CLICK on the blue timestamp below for recipe demonstration

00:00​​​​​​ INTRO 오프닝/인삿말

01:01  DanHoBak Squash Prep 단호박 준비

01:34  How to steam DanHoBak Squash 단호박 찌는법

03:04  How to make Rice Cake Balls 방울 찹쌀떡 만들기

05:42  Making the soup 단호박죽 끓이기

10:35  Tasting/Eating/MukBang 먹방


I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! Please take a photo of your DanHoBak Soup when you make them, posted it on your social media, and TAG @ModernPepper

kabocha squash, squash soup, squash recipe, acorn soup, 우리의식탁 W TABLE, 아내의 식탁, Amazing Butternut Squash Soup Recipe, Preppy Kitchen, Easy to make with a few simple ingredients, this Butternut Squash Soup recipe is the only one you’ll need. This nourishing soup is my go-to fall comfort food, and it’s super creamy and rich without relying on heavy cream. It’s a delicious soup recipe that everyone will love. We are officially in soup season and this easy homemade butternut squash soup is just about perfect with a slice od crusty bread for dipping. You can swirl in some cream or coconut milk for added richness or add all you favorite spices for a personal touch, preppy kitchen, john kanell, butternut squash soup, how to make butternut squash soup, butternut squash, butternut squash soup recipe, roasted butternut squash soup, butternut squash soup vegan, butternut squash recipe, easy butternut squash soup, roasted butternut squash soup recipe, butternut squash soup tasty, spiced butternut squash soup, soup recipes, soup recipe, fall recipes, thanksgiving recipes, how to make, winter recipes, soup, easy soup recipe, healthy soup, 호박죽, 단호박수프, 단호박스프, 스프, 따뜻하고 부드러운 수프는 몸도 마음도 부드럽게 녹여주지요. 특히 단호박은 자체의 단맛이 풍부해 남녀노소 누구나 좋아하고 예쁜 주황빛이 식탁을 화사하게 만들어주는 효과도 있답니다. 담백한 감자와 양파를 더해주면 맛과 향이 한층 더 깊어지지요. 캐주얼한 홈파티는 물론 아침 식사로도 참 좋아요.

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