Looking for a Korean tea that you can easily make at home?
You came to the right place! I'm going to show you how you can easily make this delicious superfood tea using dried jujube and fresh ginger, called DaeChu-SaengGangCha 대추생강차.
EASY Jujube Ginger Tea purée paste in 9 minutes and store the tea purée paste in the fridge as you drink through. And I'll show you how to turn this jujube ginger tea purée into:
Jujube Ginger Korean/London-Fog Tea
Jujube Ginger Soda Drink
Jujube Ginger pureé topping on Greek yogurt
🇰🇷몸에 좋고 맛도 좋은 대추생강차: 쉽고 간단한 레시피 (9분 만에 만들기). 겨울에 마시면 좋은 보약 '건강차(茶)
🌱Vegan friendly
Now, I'll let you Google all the nutritious benefits of dried jujube and ginger, but here are some links to check out:
Jujube Ginger Tea = 대추생강차
Dried Jujube = DhehChu 대추
Ginger = ShengGhang 생강
Tea = Cha 차
*phonetically spelled in English
Below you'll find the following:
Ingredient List
Korean ingredient and suggested product links
Recipe Instruction
Suggested video recipes
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Please take a photo of your Korean Jujube Ginger Tea when you make it, posted it on your social media, and TAG @ModernPepper
1 teaspoon 작은 술 = 5 ml
1 tablespoon 큰술 = 1/2 fluid ounce, 15 ml, 15 cc
1 Cup 컵 = 128 grams
1 lb = 450 grams
Yield: 8 Ounces Jujube Ginger purée
Serving Size: Less than 1 ounce per tea
100 Grams Dried Jujube 대추
65 Grams Fresh Ginger-Only 생강
1 Cup 컵 Water 물
1/4 Cup 컵 Honey 꿀
Upgrade Options 업그레이드 재료 옵션
1 Pinch 꼬집 Cinnamon Powder 계피가루
Less than 1/4 Teaspoon 작은술 미만 Vanilla Extract 바닐라 추출물 (OR 1/4 Stick Vanilla Bean 바닐라)
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Dried Jujube 대추(Highly recommend only using Korean or USDA Certified jujube) https://amzn.to/3vR8nDx (100% Korean/Pure and High Quality Medicinal Grade Herbs) https://amzn.to/3XiFE68
https://amzn.to/3CEZZL6 (USDA Certified Organic/grown in California) https://amzn.to/3IEBa5L
Honey 꿀
https://amzn.to/3IEBa5L (Raw 100% Pure)
https://amzn.to/3ZusrsM (Raw 100% Pure & Organic)
https://amzn.to/3VYwg6B (Raw Organic Manuka)
https://amzn.to/3IFHdHm (Wild Flower Honey)
Organic Cinnamon Powder 계피가루
Pure Vanilla Extract 바닐라 추출물
Organic Vanilla Beans 바닐라
https://amzn.to/3XpL4MT (Grade A)
https://amzn.to/3GARrpT (Restaurant Grade)
Porcelain Tea Cup & Saucer 도자기찻잔
Clear Glass Tea Cup & Saucer 유리찻잔
Milk Frother/Foam Maker 우유 거품기
https://amzn.to/3CBtwp6 (handheld)
Professional Grade Blender 명품 믹서기
https://amzn.to/3QuM0Nw (64 oz)
https://amzn.to/3ZvwFQT (64 oz)
https://amzn.to/3k7Ls4f (48 oz)
2 Quart Stainless Steel Pot 명품 냄비
https://amzn.to/3Zp9ckp (copper core bonded)
Knife Sets 명품 칼: 9 Piece Set 세트
16 piece Knife Set 세트
Chef's Knife
9 Piece Set
16 piece Knife Set
Chef's Knife
Step One
Rinse the whole dried jujubes in cold water, about 3 times.
100 Grams Dried Jujube 대추
Then place on a kitchen towel, and gently pat to dry.
Cut around the jujubes, scoring with the knife twice to make 4 section cuts. Then peel the jujube away from the inner seed. Discard the seed. Cut the peeled jujube into small pieces, making sure that the pieces are similar in size. Place the jujube pieces into a blender.
Rinse the ginger under running water to remove any residue on the skin.
65 Grams Fresh Ginger-Only 생강
Gently pat to dry the rinsed ginger. Cut off any dull parts of the ginger. Then slice the ginger into long lengths. Then stack the ginger slices and cut into thin strips. Place the ginger strips into the blender with the jujube pieces.
Add the water to the blender.
1 Cup 컵 Water 물
Put the lid on, and blend for about a minute until puréed. It should look like baby food consistency.
Step Two
Scrape all of the jujube ginger purée into a small pot. Set the stove heat to medium-low. This part is extremely important. You must stand over the pot and constantly stir and scrape the bottom of the pot with a flat spatula. Do this for about 8 minutes. Then quickly transfer the heated jujube ginger purée to a mixing bowl. Add the honey and mix well by turning the bowl and you fold in the honey with the jujube ginger purée.
1/4 Cup 컵 Honey 꿀
Let the jujube ginger honey purée mixture cool down to room temperature. Transfer to a glass storage jar. Keep the ginger honey purée paste in the fridge (up to a month) as you drink through it. You can also store the other half in the freezer to keep it longer than a month.
Upgrade Options 업그레이드 재료 옵션
You can add the following item(s) to the jujube ginger purée when you add the honey, if you wish to add more flavors.
1 Pinch 꼬집 Cinnamon Powder 계피가루
Less than 1/4 Teaspoon 작은술 미만 Vanilla Extract 바닐라 추출물 (OR 1/4 Stick Vanilla Bean 바닐라)
Step Three
Jujube Ginger Tea Making 대추생강차 만들기
Put a big spoonful (about 1 tablespoon) to your favorite tea cup or mug. For a stronger taste, add 10 ounces. For me, I prefer a lighter taste, so I add about 14 ounces for 1 tablespoon of the jujube ginger purée. Add two slices of the dried jujube to the tea and enjoy!
Korean/London-Fog Tea
Brew your favorite black tea in a tea cup or a mug. I prefer a strong brew so I let the tea steep for a few minutes. Then add about a tablespoon of the jujube ginger purée and stir to mix. Then top it off with a generous splash of warm frothy/foam milk. Add two slices of the dried jujube to the tea and enjoy.
Jujube Ginger Soda Drink
Pour about a tablespoon of the jujube ginger purée to a tall glass, add about 16 ounces of sparkling water, stir with a long spoon to mix well, and add two slices of the dried jujube. I like to drink this when I'm need a refreshing carbonated drink without the sugary artificial soda taste or when I need some relief from indigestion.
Bonus Snack Greek Yogurt Topping
To a bowl of your favorite Greek yogurt, add a generous amount (about 1 tablespoon) of the jujube ginger purée as a topping. I also like to add roasted pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds, and a few slices of the dried jujube as additional toppings to my Greek yogurt bowl. Such a healthy way to enjoy your Greek yogurt snack😋
Bon appétit😋
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Jujube ginger tea, Daechu saenggangcha, 대추생강차, Jujube tea, daechucha, dacha saenggangcha, Korean tea, Korean dates tea, Korean tea recipe, 대추차, 대추생강차, Ginger Tea, Best Home Remedy For Cold, Cough & Sore Throat, Turmeric Ginger, GST Kitchen, Recipes for Happiness by Ashmi, Jujube ginger tea (Daechu-saenggangcha: 대추생강차) is healthy, warming, and delicious! Maangchi, Korean food, Korean cooking, Maangchi, Maangchi recipes, Korean cuisine, Jujube tea, daechucha, jujube ginger tea, dacha saenggangcha, Korean tea, Korean dates tea, vegan, vegetarian, Korean tea recipe, 대추차, 대추생강차, Ginger Tea | 100% Relief in 2 mins |Best Home Remedy For Cold, Cough & Sore Throat | Turmeric Ginger, GST Kitchen - Recipes for Happiness by Ashmi, Ginger Tea, Best For Cold & Sore Throat, Home remedy for cold, Home remedy for sore throat, Home remedy, Ginger tea for cold, Ginger tea for Sore Throat, Best Home Remedy For Cold, Cough & Sore Throat, Best Home Remedy For Cold Cough & Sore Throat, Turmeric Ginger Tea, Immune Boosting Tea, Immunity Boosting Recipe, Natural Cold Remedy